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Safe Schools Training

CCMS Newsletter

Code Of Conduct




Kristen Wilson

Assistant Principal
Lindsay Keen

Instructional Coach 
Jessica Hogue


Our goal is to offer an academic curriculum that challenges our students in grades six, seven and eight while providing instruction that supports individual differences and learning styles. Our staff makes every effort to promote a safe, orderly, and caring learning environment for our students.  

As we provide the academic foundation for our students to reach their highest potential, our goal is to promote development of the self-confidence our students need to experience a smooth transition to high school and ultimately become successful, productive members of society.

Casey County Middle School is committed to our core values and school wide expectations, instilling in our students to be respectful, show integrity, have a safe learning environment, and excellence in every aspect of being a successful student in our school. 

How We Monitor Student Progress:


Numerous strategies are used to monitor and ensure student progress at our school. A variety of assessments are administered throughout the year in all content areas to gather data that teachers use to make needed adjustments to their instruction.  All students take the IREADY  assessment three times per year to measure their progress in both Math and Reading.  In addition, Science and Social Studies administer Common Assessments which allow teachers to determine the needs of each student.

Teachers and administrators analyze assessment data with the goal of improving instruction.  At CCMS, we involve students in the analysis of their own data to assist them as they determine their strengths and areas for growth.  Students track their own progress by recording their assessment data and sharing it with their parents throughout the year.




When data indicates that students have not mastered certain concepts, our RTI (Response to Intervention) program is used to ensure that individual students do not fall behind.  This program includes strategies such as:


  • WIN (What I Need) Class – Math and ELA classes are providing each student with longer periods of daily instruction in these content areas.  This allows teachers time to modify instruction to support the individual needs of students and provide interventions for students struggling with certain concepts.
  • SEL (Social Emotional Learning)- Students participate in weekly social emotional lessons that focus on skills such as empathy, taking responsibility for our actions and problem solving. 
  • Tutoring – An intervention method that allows students who need additional support to receive individualized assistance before and after school school as needed. 
  • Persistence to Graduation Tool – An instrument used in combination with our student information system to identify at-risk students so that targeted interventions can be provided.